Water appears as the protagonist of this remodeling of the Plaza de España, in a walkable “playful fountain” that launches its 10 compact LI-F5300 jets from the ground for the enjoyment, especially of the little ones.

Plaza de España. Alcázar of San Juan.

Water appears as the protagonist of this remodeling of the Plaza de España, in a walkable “playful fountain” that launches its 10 compact LI-F5300 jets from the ground for the enjoyment, especially of the little ones. The two rows of 5 parallel jets are illuminated in colors at night using Lumiartecnia’s range of RGBW ring spotlights with DMX control.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are now arranged at ground level and unify the identifying colors of the environment in almagra.

Project Photos

A selection of photos that describe our project and its development.